tiRCas was founded on 15 August 2003 by Bart van den Broek, Sander van Dongen, Carlos Musters, Marcel Oerlemans and Wilbert van de Ven.

The goals of tiRCas

  • Organize sessions for TIAS graduates of the Executive Master of Finance and Control / Register Controller;
  • Promote interests and contribute to the professional development of its members;
  • Stimulate the profession of ‘controller’;
  • Assist in further development of the EMFC/RC course at TIAS School for Business and Society.


As of 2020 tiRCas has over 170 members. Anyone who obtained an EMFC/RC title at TIAS can join our alumni association via this link. Most of our events will count towards the life long learning program as required by the VRC and allow our members to obtain PE-points that help you to stay updated on relevant accounting and controlling topics. It is also a great opportunity to stay in touch with your fellow class-mates and meet other finance professionals.

Members of tiRCas can subscribe to events and will get access to a password protected area of the website in which additional information can be obtained regarding our association.

Membership fee

The membership fee is currently 25 EUR per year and by becoming a member you will agree to pay this fee annually.  You can cancel your membership at anytime but you will not be eligible for a refund. If you participate in our events you can easily collect ~10 to 12 PE points per year.

This non-profit association is run by volunteers and we always welcome new ideas or people that would like to contribute to tiRCas by for example (co) organizing an event.

TIAS Alumni & tiRCas Package

If you are already a paid TIAS Alumni member or are planning to become one, we’ll waive your annual tiRCas membership fee as TIAS will contribute on your behalf! Hence, you join tiRCas for basically for free and can participate in all our events. This page will explain how it works.
