Event – 14 November: Persoonlijk Leiderschap met Phillipa Chapman

Graag nodigen wij je uit om op 14 november 2019 deel te nemen aan de workshop Persoonlijk Leiderschap. Deze workshop zal worden verzorgd door Phillipa Chapman. Een uitgebreide beschrijving van de workshop is hieronder bij het programma opgenomen. Schrijf je snel in want er zijn maar 50 plaatsen beschikbaar.
Programma workshop 14 november
17.00 – 17.30 uur Ontvangst bij TIAS, Warandelaan 2, Tilburg
17.30 – 20.30 uur Workshop Leadership Skills
Leading with Style
In order that you may lead both yourself and others with greater flexibility and authenticity. During the three hours we will be focussing on the following areas:
1. Leadership Styles:
– What does a good leader do? What are their behaviours, their styles of leading themselves, a team or an organisation?
– Exploring Blanchard’s Situational Leadership styles
2. Story Telling as a Leadership Tool:
– Examples of leaders using stories to get their message across
– Story telling technique
– Using stories as a means of personal impact and branding
3. Individual Takeaways
– You will be encouraged to commit to an action/behaviour which you can apply directly in your everyday work.
Please come to the evening with an open mind, a willingness to explore and courage to challenge yourself!
Philippa Chapman will be leading this session. As a coach and facilitator, Philippa delivers leadership workshops both in business schools and organisations. Having focussed on language and communication for all of her professional life, Philippa will use her expertise and intuitive teaching to ensure that each student will take away their own personal developmental step.
Deelname & Inschrijven
Aanmelden voor deze activiteit kan via aanmelding op https://tircas.banster.nl. tot 10 november a.s.
Deze activiteit levert 3 PE-punten op.
Graag zien wij je op 14 november bij TIAS te Tilburg
namens tiRCas
Bryan Winkels, (algemeen) bestuurslid tiRCas Alumnivereniging EMFC/RC opleiding TIAS School for Business and Society