Event 30 November: Blockchain in Finance
In deze tiRCas bijeenkomst zijn we te gast op TIAS met als onderwerp Blockchain. Blockchain een technische ontwikkeling die een grote impact gaat hebben. Dat zien we vandaag de dag al. Dit is ook de reden waarom de financiële sector er al een aantal jaren mee bezig is. We hebben deze keer 2 blokken met sprekers. Onderstaand in willekeurige volgorde het onderwerp en de sprekers van deze dag
Blok 1: Andrei Baghiuc and Mark Dronkers, ING
Introduction to and historic context of Blockchain and its possible impact on the Financial Services Industry. Andrei Baghiuc, Blockchain Project Management within ING, part of ING Blockchain team. Involved in engaging and educating corporate clients and ING management teams on Blockchain opportunities. Active in research on key industry developments and tracking Blockchain projects/initiatives within ING.
Mark Dronkers, Sr. Controller for Global-IT within ING. Financial advisor for IT Infrastructure Services, Shared Services Poland and Global IAM. Started an initiative on re-engineering the Inter-company settlement process within ING using emerging technologies such as Blockchain.
Blok 2: Joris Bontje, OneUp
Joris Bontje is partner and CTO of oneUp.Company. Joris is able to combine in depth technical knowledge and state-of-the-art technologies in client propositions. Joris has been developing side-by-side with founders of some of the most promising blockchain platforms.
OneUp creates a new future with the latest (software) technologies such as data science and blockchain. Our goal is to find new disruptors for clients. We create corporate tech startups by combining enterprise knowledge with startup thinking. With a unique and standardized process to minimize innovation- and development risks, we guide our clients from an opportunity or challenge to a new business model. Our startup thinking approach has led to a number of startups for well-known companies that profit from a future competitive advantage.
Het programma is als volgt:
- 15.30 uur Ontvangst
- 16.00 uur Presentatie 1
- 17.00 uur break
- 17.15 uur Presentatie
- 18.15 – 18.45 uur borrel
Deelname & Inschrijven
Aanmelden voor deze activiteit kan via aanmelding op https://tircas.banster.nl. tot 23 november a.s. Deze activiteit levert 2 PE-punten op.